Monday, December 08, 2008

don't sleep

Good night. Especially by my newly lowered standards. It helped to get into bed on time last night, because I felt pretty decent in the cloudy morning. No frost on the car windows outside? Eighty all the way down to Irvine, fairly smooth sailing at work, and despite the last minute things to tend to, none of it got to me. I even had no problem staying late and helping out some more although I missed some free breakfast.

And the weather! Season appropriate weather? Who woulda thunk? Damn, I love the cool air. It made the walk to mass all the better. Good words to grow from at mass, and leftover Vietnamese sandwiches in the fridge sealed the deal. Didn't have the energy to drive back right away, so I took a nap in my car (again) and enjoyed the last bits of sun peeking through the clouds and the cool breeze.

I haven't driven home during dusk in a while. Cruise control, not having to use the a/c, 5 speeds, fast traffic, and a good soundtrack. I saw another shooting star too. In the same spot in the sky, almost exactly a month after I saw my last one, on the way home after my last night in Irvine.

Didn't have the energy to make the gym either, but I had dinner with my dad, then watched some food network and had a little convo. Bonding time with Pops. Good deal. Then helped out the Meechsters with one of her many projects and did the usual online deal. Lil bro came down for his midnight "lunch." I convinced him to forgo the easy microwave lasagna (seriously?) and cook up some chicken sausage and fried egg sandwiches on garlic bread. I gotta teach him a lot still. It's nice doing it family style. I wasn't digging the "do you own thing" vibe that's been way things have been for the longest.

I finally got to listening to new music. After my music subscription switched from Yahoo to Rhapsody, I let it run its course and it didn't auto renew. I kept recycling playlists from the few CDs and mp3s I have on my computer and in my car, and playing some songs off youtube and imeem, but I've been on a Zune Pass trial for the past two days, and wow... no comparison. So much good stuff out there. I can't believe I semi-slept on Evolver. Dope. Dopeness. Pete Yorn is unofficially on my short list.

sleep well


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