Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Life has a way of making you feel old. Or maybe just out of it. Even though I woke up late today (past noon) and missed my first class, I still went to school, only to find next to nobody there. Kinda depressing, especially because I really enjoy seeing people I know on campus. Otherwise you go about your own agenda and either forget about everyone else or just get lonely. I came home not wanting to do anything, but my roommate convinced me to go grocery shopping with him. Food shopping can make you feel better, if you're with the right people of course. They have to love food. Which brings me to my current train of though. If somebody goes through the effort of cooking for you, don't go cook something else. Especially if the cook is filipino! Rule: never refuse food from a filipino. There. Nuff said.

Thank God for the rain. Unlike some people, I actually love rain. If you ever get the chance, stand outside with an umbrella under the rain at night and hold the umbrella high above your head so that you can't hear the rian hit your umbrella (if there's a streetlight stand near it and you'll be able to see the flow of the rain as it falls)... it's almost as if you're standing in the middle of the rain without actually getting wet. For those who don't like the rain: think about those who don't have anywhere to get out of the rain, or who don't have any dry clothes to change in to.


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