Thursday, April 03, 2003

I woke up to an empty house today. Lately I've been coming home after everyone sleeps and I wake up around the time people leave, so it seems like I live by myself sometimes. It makes me more sure that living alone sucks. I took a long time in the shower because A) the mosquito bite on my arm was seriously irking me and B) I ran out of soap, so I looked in my drawer (after I had already gotten my feet wet, like always) and found it completely devoid of soap. A quick check of my roommate's drawer revealed the same. Not feeling like searching under the bathroom sinks, I resorted to squeezing out bath gel into my hand and trying to lather. Needless to say, it wasn't easy. I got dressed and spread a big glob of ointment on my swollen forearm and headed off to school, already 5 minutes late. I flirted with the idea of not going because my arm was bugging me so much, but I went anyway. Leo, Flo, and Kathleen tried to suck me into their treacherous whirlpool of ditching class but I resisted and sat in for the last 20 minutes of math. Then I ate with Fran, Derrick, Leo, Flo, and Kathleen. Later, we made our way to Interfaith to grab flyers, but got held up because Fran had some business to speak of with Father Pat and Nancy. By the time they were done, it was almost time for my class, so I stuck flyers in car windows (ones with crosses on their rear view mirrors) around PSLH parking lot, walking into class 15 minutes late. I rushed home afterwards and bought some ice to wrap my arm in. I took my antibiotics and saran wrapped and bag of ice to my arm so I wouldn't have to hold it. Ice sure does wonders for insect bites. I realized I forgot I had to meet with my HSO partner Solomon to make our banner, but he called me anyway. I went over to his apartment near South Coast Plaza, a nice apartment building with a phat balcony, almost as big as my tiny little backyard at home. We watched the Washington Wizards almost come back from a 21 point deficit against the Sacramento Kings in the 4th quarter, only to come within 5 points. Man, it'd be nice to see Jordan in the playoffs one more time. I left to go to the Alpha Phi Omega (A-Phi-O) meeting, a co-ed service fraternity. I was surprised to see it was still going on, even though I was 2 hours late. I had business to take care of... Supposedly there's a $55 membership fee, which I don't feel like shelling out, but it seems like a really thing organization, which a lot of cool people. $55 to do thing with cool people. It's a "dry" fraternity, so that's appealing, but I have to see if I have time for it admidst one rest of the things I want to do. This figures to be a very busy quarter, but one of the best out of my four years, for sure. I went to YFC afterwards and watched their fast forward/rewind icebreaker. Makes a good party game, I would think. I went to work out to end my day and was happy to see Reg there. I don't think she was too happy to see me though, because I made her stop cheating on her sets. I also saw some dude lift almost three times what I do... that's 320 pounds on the pull down machine. Crazy. That's 100 more pounds than I usually squat! Reg and I grabbed some boba right before Tapioca Express closed and headed home... tomorrow is HSO and I have to be at school by 7:30. Great.

Good night. Don't be afraid to push yourself. Or be pushed.


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