Monday, February 09, 2004

I woke up today. Well, I didn't really wake up, I just stirred long enough to realize that I overslept and I was having weird dreams. That happened twice. I ended up being late for mass. Afterwards a few of us ate at Gina's Pizza. Damn, if I was rich I'd eat calzones more often. Then came HSO planning. Four plus hours. It's good that it doesn't seem too much like work though, otherwise I'd being going crazy. Martin and I played some racquetball and I worked out for the first time in two months. I was surprised I didn't feel like throwing up. Martin on the other hand... When we got home Mel, Martin and I battled it out on tetris for a while. I think we should have an LOG tetris tournament. That would be sweet.

But now I've got to gear myself for this week. I just checked my quiz grade for neuro lab and it's damn near the bottom. I don't get it. I thought I did a lot better. I can't screw up when the points are so easy. It doesn't help that I got the worst grade in the class on the lab practical. Damnit. Argh.

Tuesday. Asain Am paper due.
Wednesday. Lab report due.
Thursday. Bio midterm.



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