Thursday, May 13, 2004

Find me here

It wasn't an easy day today. I didn't wake up before noon, so I went straight to work. After I dropped Scott off, I went to get some Subway in Corona Del Mar. Right before I left one of my classmates from Ayala walked in. I didn't think she'd recognize me, because we didn't have too many classes together in high school, and didn't even cross paths in college, but she said hi. I rolled to the beach for a little while to think before I had to pick up Scott. I played some golf with Scott in his backyard and then I was hitting some of the wiffle balls with a bat and one hit Scott in the throat. At first he kind of faked crying, and then he got pissed and threw a crazy tantrum, hammering the golf clubs into the ground and then beating up the couch. I just had to sit it out until he calmed down. He can be pretty unpredictable at times, so for my own good, I back off every now and then.

I watched the T-Wolves - Kings game after work, and that wasn't any consolation. I went to work out afterwards, but when I came back one of the neighbors was staring at me. I took my time parking, and he kept coming out of his garage to stare at me. He didn't even try to fake like he was looking at something else. When I walked away from my car I nooded to him, and he just kept staring. Joyce said he asked Geeps if he was a visitor or a resident. I don't know what his problem is with us... it's not as if we take his parking spots, or disturb him, or stare at him when we walk from our cars. For all I know, he could be just like Rosie, our angry downstairs neighbor, or maybe he's racist... I don't know. All this stress over having to worry about our living situation hangs over my head. I'm so tired of worrying about being kicked out with nowhere else to live. I'm tired enough of not being able to take showers at night or not play music after 10. Damn Irvine for its ridiculous rent prices. If housing was affordable, people wouldn't be complaining about parking or noise so much. Everyone should have the right to live without the fear of not being able to afford rent or being kicked out.

And we start again tomorrow...


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