Thursday, May 06, 2004

Back to the time warp. Cinco de Mayo rolls around (it's May already?), so the old friends and roommates meet up at El Torrito in Anaheim. Reminiscing about old times and catching up, I feel like I've done myself a disservice in not keeping in contact with them. Life moves on regardless though. It was like it was in the beginning, when we somehow all ended up living together, before the drama and all the stupid stuff we had to deal with. Playing "poverty" games like penalty kick warriors (PK Warriors), home run derby, and tennis with old tennis balls. There was even puzzle fighter. We could have had a poverty game decathalon. A little Laker bashing and everything felt like the fun jobless summer of 2002. Back in Irvine, I squeezed in a quick 20 minute workout before the ARC closed. I think I'll going to be nice and sore in the morning.

I think I underestimated some people. It's good to proven wrong sometimes.

I'm having this dread that I've been letting some responsibilities slip through the cracks and it's going to haunt me with a vengenance. A little anxiety for the calm soul...


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