Wednesday, May 05, 2004

I love this post-exercise endorphin-induced feeling. Today was a pretty good day too, but not for all the typical reasons. It was still pretty hot, but not nearly as bas as Monday's weather, and I still woke up late, but still made it to my second class (for the first time). I wish I hadn't missed so much of it already, because I took it to learn something about my culture. Damn. Hopefully I won't miss any more classes. I'm running out of reasons to, which helps my cause. I'm still bumping into people I don't see all the time. Maybe I should just spend more time on campus and make the most of the rest of my undergrad life. This is one of those things that I doubt I'll have after this. I went to stats discussion, not realizing we didn't have any material to be quizzed on, but it was nice just to sit in a cold classroom for 20 minutes. Then things blurred a bit... chilling at Cornerstone listening to some girl sing... PUSO... back home... the T-Wolves-Kings game... LOG... seeing a fellow Ayala graduate with Randell and Krsytle... then volleyball at the ARC. It's nice closing out the day letting out the nervous and stressful energy that's been building up the whole day. Too bad we didn't have enough girls to field a full team, but we kept it close for the first game. We got toasted the second game, but it was still a lot of fun. Then a few of us scrimmaged and I got to try jump serves and some hitting. Then we played some pickup with some other people, which is what we really needed. It helps playing with good people too. A little more practice and we could win our next two games.

I'm reminded that's there more out there than what I know now. I should expand my world instead of trying to pull everything in close to me. I just need to figure out what I want from the world. And somehow figure out how if it fits with what He wants from me. I'm still learning...

Sometimes I wish people could hear what I was thinking...


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