Thursday, May 20, 2004

this is where the path leads

It's funny that I finally found out what time I was born... 9:08 am. 6 pounds, 13 ounces, 20 inches, in St. Anne's Hospital in Chicago. Now fast forward a bit...

I spent the first few minutes of my birthday walking out of the ARC after a great game of volleyball. It's so much fun when you get the hang of it. I finally put away some hits. I think spiking is the closest think to dunking over somebody that I'll be able to get. It's great. Three good kills before it was game over. Maybe I'll stick with volleyball for a while.

I ate the rest of my sandwich in the ARC parking lot. From there it went something like this: 73 north, 55 south, pch south... looking for Cresent Bay. When I finally got there, I was looking for a parking spot when two police cars pulled up. I just stopped and one of them flashed me with his spotlight, so I rolled out of there quick. I drove around for a while (almost 45 minutes) before I finally went back. I walked out to the cliffs, thankful for another year and feeling like a new person. It just me and Him. I was getting tired, but decided to make one more stop before I went home.

I got back home ready to pass out. I saw the note on the door and the cake and letter on the table. I don't know why, but something was telling me not to go home earlier. I felt bad that people were waiting for me back at the apartment, but such is the nature of surprises. At least it meant no cake on my face. Not being able to take a shower at night, you have to dread the late night caking.

I stayed up until 5 am, and didn't get out of bed until 1 pm. I had to jump in the shower and haul myself over to pick up Scott. My mom left three message on my phone, and I think she said the same thing in each message. All of them were like a minute long each. It doesn't sound like much, but if you're going to listen to them, you should at least get to listen to something different each time.

I dropped Scott off and headed to CDM to eat and chill until I had to pick Scott up again. I walked down the jetty and saw some hysterical old lady and the lifeguard trying to help a bird that had a twisted fish hook in its beak. They couldn't pull it out, so I said I'd get my pliers from my car so they could cut the hook out. I ran to the hill at the entrance to the parking lot, realizing how out of shape I still am. I jogged back down and by the time I got to the jetty, they already got hold of pliers and got the fish hook out of the bird's beak. Total time elapsed: less than 6 minutes. Doh... I guess I tried right? I walked up onto the rocks and watched the waves crash before I headed back to pick up Scott, figuring out a new path back from the beach.

Work was tiring, but fun. I challenged Scott, Mading, and Chase to 3 on 1 basketball, with all of them on rollerblades and I could only use my left hand to dribble and shoot. Plus, they could foul all they wanted. I was like munchkin jungle ball. Too bad they didn't count my leftie dunks. I helped them lace up their rollerblades, so my hands were feeling a little torn up, but it was a lot of fun.

I got off work at 6 and headed home to change and watch some of the T-Wolves-Kings game. Then I rolled out to University Club about an hour late to student organization recognition night. Dinner was good and we won the first two awards we went for, even though we only had competition from hip hop congress for best social/support group. It's all good. We didn't take home anything else, but there were a lot of deserving clubs up for awards.

Afterwards, we rolled to Norms. Despite living only four blocks away for two whole years, it was my first time eating there. I had a lot of fun just laughing and chilling with old board and new board. It reminded me of all the good times I've had with PUSO. Good times with good people. I even got a free sunday! I was so full from two meals so close to each other, but I killed that sucka. I even got the obligatory 23 punches, courtesy of Machaca. If he didn't stop in the middle, it wouldn't have hurt when he started punching again. Ouch. We were pretty close to driving out to the valley to catch some ghost action or something, but Vanessa wouldn't go if 4 other people didn't go, and I was tired, so we all went home.

and here we go again


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