Wednesday, November 03, 2004

What nightmare is this?

What do we have now? A sharply divided America, a never-ending war on terror, a supposed "mandate" for Republican policies from only 51% of the population, a Republican controlled Congress, and a glaringly unfit president.

And yet as a Catholic, I must have faith that all things are in his plan. I don't know who needs prayers more, the leadership of this country or its citizens and non-citizens.

It's about time for another revolution.

Speaking of nightmares, I dreamt that I was helping backstage with an Imagining Reality show turned praise and worship concert, and when Liwanag got onstage after a different group was done, people started walking out en masse. Then some people started throwing things at the stage. We started throwing things back and forth, from the stage to the angry audience members. Crazy. Then somebody brought out an appreciation cake for the audience, with the words "Olive Garden" written on top. Of all the random things to have written on a cake to be given to an unappreciative audience, it said "Olive Garden?" End scene.

I participated in the electoral process. I feel bad about not voting in the election 2 years ago. There was something that didn't feel right about voting through a computerized system though. It was good to see the youth of America voting though. Maybe the understanding of the almost criminal things Bush has been supported for doing will be seen for their true motive, spurring some kind of revolution, if not in the streets of America or Capitol Hill, then in the minds of every American. War is not the answer in Iraq. Iraq was never the answer. Tax cuts for the rich is not the answer. Anti-worker, anti-environment, anti-student, anti-children, anti-education, anti-health care, and anti-elderly legislation is not the answer. Stem cell research, however controversial, was a not the issue it was made out to be. It was never banned. Bush only restricted federal monies from funding it. The sole issue on which I side with Bush is abortion, but I don't feel he has made an effort to change the minds of those who are pro-choice. I believe the real battle behind abortion is in the minds and hearts of everyone, not on the ballot or in the Supreme Court. This must be carefully thought out, or the polarization of America will continue. For the same reason the war on drugs didn't work... we can't keep making the same mistakes.

I will have faith though. Not in the administration, not in the government, but in God. It is one thing to have faith, but faith in what?


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