Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Three dreams today.

First of three:

I was hanging out with my old roommate Louis and bumped into my other old roommate, Irene. We were outside, walking along Harvard near University center at night. She was eating black forest cake. Then she told us to walk with her to her apartment. We started walking, and kept walking... so we asked her where her apartment was, and she said it was near Costco.

Wake up, use the bathroom, try to go back to sleep.

Second of three:

Couldn't remember this one.

Third of three:

I was walking around in some place that looked like a combination of Chick's Sporting Goods and a school. I forgot exactly what I was doing, but somehow I ended up as part of a huge chain-gang that was supposed to do some work there. There had to be several hundred people in the chain-gang. It seemed like I knew everyone in the chain-gang, but most were aquaintances and people I didn't talk to all that often. We were split into two groups. The first group walked to the upper level (which was an open-air section) about 4 persons wide. I was in the second group. There were only two rows of us, but we had to crawl behind the first group. What made it even harder was that there were stairs. I remember the girl next to me and I had to push the guy in front of us up the steps because he couldn't reach by himself. Once we got to the top, we prepared to break out. It was part of a plan we hatched earlier. There was a huge monster that was part of the first group which we didn't see until we got to the upper level. Once we freed ourselves, we untied the monster, which looked like 100 huge anacondas tied together at their tails. We wreaked some havok and started to make our way to the lower level.

Wake up again. I would have liked to see where that ended up.


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