Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I've been awake 22 of the last 23 hours. Other than the fact I stretched 6 hours of activity over nearly 24 hours, it was a good day. Hopefully in a few days the car will be sold, the fridge will be off the balcony, I'll get a few free meals from Pippin, and I'll be able to get through all my video tapes and take care of all my photo stuff. It's like I'm working, but really, I'm not doing much.

It makes me miss school and finals week. Finals week used to be an extended 24-hour hangout/sleepover on campus with friends you haven't seen since 1st week, with some crazy hard finals mixed in. Now it's simply a week of finals. Yuck. Long live the old student center.

I think it's time to reset this clock of mine.


Blogger kirsten said...

i never got to experience that whole student center/finals week thing.

sucks for me, right?

eff finals.
i'm sure i won't miss it.

1:41 AM  
Blogger michelle said...

long live the old student center indeed!

8:41 AM  

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