Thursday, April 24, 2003

A lot of people have been asking me if I cut my hair... or when I cut my hair... or why I cut my hair. Just kidding, just if and when, not why. I used to grow it out and cut it short before, but nobody ever said anything about it. I let it grow pretty damn long this last time though, long enough so that I had to pull up individual bunches of hair when it was gelled just so I could spike it. Actually, for the last week I couldn't really spike it anymore because it would just go crazy and fall in all sorts of directions, even though my hair is straight it tendds to do whatever the hell it wants to. I think it was almost three inches on the top. Doesn't sound like much, but it looks like a lot. I have hella thick hair too, so when it grows out... you get a nice fro. People were even telling me that they've never seen me without my hair spiked up, so I went to school a couple of times sans gel. I felt a little self-conscious, like people were looking at me funny or something. I finally cut it Saturday down to a 6, despite trying an 8, but it didn't work out right. A 6 isn't that short, except when I do it, it looks like a 3. Maybe it's because I have a big head. If you don't think so, let's compare hat sizes. My roommates told me one time, kind of randomly, that I have a large head... and a full face. I guess that means my face fills up my head pretty well. When I had my hair grown out my head looked pretty big, so when I cut it, it suddenly looked a little small, but I guess more proportional to my body?!? I dunno. People are also telling me that they like my hair spiked up... they're not diggin the fro. Leo told me today I should keep it short, but it was cool when it grew out because it was all over the place. Maybe I'll just bic it one day and wear hats and beanies until someone figures it out. Keep everyone on their toes. Who's that bald foo? NG? GN? Bob? Trogdor? Motem? Prophesy? My roommate used to talk about the bald-man cut... bic the top, grow out the sides... so it's like the post-combover stage when men accept their baldness. Kadeers. Cornrows would be tight... but I don't think I'll ever dye my hair. Jet black is beautiful. It's kind of rare now to see girls with jet black hair, only because everyone's got highlights or something... black stands out for some reason. It's OG. Ganstsa. Like that NG foo. Or that Reg foo... except I don't think he's really gangsta. It's gangsta too if you cut your own hair. Maybe not. Peace out for now.


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