Sunday, April 20, 2003

Saturday was Wayzgoose. I told some people I'd be there around 8, but actually got there a little late, maybe 12 or so. I felt compelled to cut my hair. I completely forgot about PCN practice though, so they skipped senior suite practice (there were too many missing seniors... slackers). I strolled around to the different booths and stayed with PUSO and their funnel cakes. I've actually never had a funnel cake until yesterday, but then again there are plenty of things I've never gotten to do yet that most people have... which helps when you're playing ten fingers. Right when then start to get busy and I finally get some food, the propane in two of our three tanks run out, so Vince and I go to refill them. Yesterday was also the first time I've gone to get propane, so I didn't know there are so few places to refill the tanks; most place just exchange them. We went to Albertson's first. No luck. Then Ace Hardware. They could only exhange the tanks, and only one of our tanks was exchangable. Then we go to a 76 station down by the 5 freeway. Turns out they're filling the gasoline tanks underground and can't refill any propane for 20 minutes. In the meantime we find out they don't even refill the tanks we have anymore because they don't have safety overfill valves. To buy a new tank and fill it would cost ten bucks more than at Ace. Back to Ace... Sixty minutes and twenty two bucks later, we have one tank of propane. Things are getting hectic when we get back to the booth. Orders backed up the ying yang. The other group selling funnel cakes ran out of batter or something, so we were the sole funnel cake provider at that point. I had ot write names and times on the orders just to keep everything straight. All in all, we made a decent profit, but I guess Vandai's suggestion of snowcones would've been far easier. Or boba. I love boba. I love iced tea too... it's probably my favorite drink. My collection of empty canisters of iced tea mix can attest to that. I think combined they would have made around 180 gallons of iced tea.

After cleaning up and having the obligatory photo session, we decided to go to the ARC and film a PUSO commercial for PCN. As it turned out, Vince, Derrick, Kristine and I played catch in the ARC parking lot for half an hour, then Mark, Derrick, Kristine, Maricris and I played bball outside until the sun set, while Earl filmed some of our action. I think I'm finally getting that left hand drive down, with the spin moves and everything. I even made a halfcourt shot, one from out of bounds near halfcourt, and running 3-point fadeaway jumping out of bounds baseline... SWISH!! Just like Rex Champan. Nice. But somehow I managed to lose at H-O-R-S-E. Derrick got nice and dirty with the melon drink, while Kristine and MC got dirty with... the pole that holds up the basket?!?! Mark spent an hour looking for a puck that wasn't his. Those crazy PUSO people. Kristine and MC left, so Earl, Derrick, Mark, and I demonstrated some PLS (parking lot syndrome), leaned on Earl's truck, and talked about high school hyjinks (sp?) until the ARC closed. A great end to a great day.

I went home that night, crashed early, and we went to Easter mass. It was packed to the ceiling as usual, but I didn't really see many people I knew. Mass during those major holidays is strange because all the holiday Catholics come out... not that it's a bad thing, but a lot of them can be distracting... and when they don't sing any of the songs it's harder to sing yourself. When we were leaving, I saw one of the girls that used to live on my street back in elementary school, except she was maybe 4 years younger than me... walking with her boyfriend... and her baby. I think Chino Hills was pretty isolated from the whole dropout/pregancy epidemic at a lot of other school, so I'm still is disbelief sometimes when I see it. There weren't more than 8 people out of our class of 800 that didn't graduate. Maybe I'm just sheltered. We all celebrated my sister's birthday at home, even though it's already been 2 1/2 weeks since it past, but I wasn't home that week. My sisters and brother all took our usual pictures, but we all posed with a stick of butter this time. Just for kicks. I think after all the growing up we've done, and all the time apart for college and whatnot, all the time we spent together now is just chill and fun. Like it should be. I just wish we'd have more time to do things together, instead of just sharing stories about where we've been (but haven't told our parents about). Maybe this summer...


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