Thursday, April 10, 2003

Spirit rally practice ended at 3am because it took almost three hours to film enough footage for two commercials. I've forgotten how long video project usually take. I used to spend six hours for group projects which produced just five minutes of end footage. Instead of going home, Fran, Mabobber, Shelby, Reg, NG, Dee, David, Beej, and I agreed to get some carne asada fries, not in SD, but somewhere in Fountain Valley. Good thing their plan A failed, which was to go to SD to get it, but Reg convinced them otherwise. The place ended up being closed, and being indecisive as we are, we made a good 5 or 6 U-turns before settling on 24 hour pho. Good stuff, although the water was straight from the tap. We joked around for a while, then parted at 5. How long can I keep this up?


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