Wednesday, April 09, 2003

I'm feeling very philosophical-contemplative, thinking about the space around me and all the skeleton of social and personal relationship that create the communities and societies that we participate in daily. It's times like these when I'm most creative, when the thoughts continue to flow and all I can do is find some outlet for my expression, in this case, my humble blog. Drifiting between consciousness and dreams, aware and isolated at the same time, moving without leaving my seat. Time does not exist this moment, this hole in the middle of thousands and millions of souls, each with their own agenda and purpose, some with no purpose. A group of people just walked backwards, bent over, through the student center, quacking. Nothing is normal, and little is understood, yet the regression and progression balances like the metabolism of the body of humanity, fighting to grow, expand, fight disease, consume energy sources... For this moment the body is still while the mind races, runs from the everyday doldrums and distrations of a world lost in trival expenditures and purchases, trading life and space for nothingness. Where do I find myself? Back at UCI, looking at a computer screen. Life goes on.


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