Saturday, April 12, 2003

A long hard night, fourteen hours without eating... it was all spirit rally stuff today, whether it was editing, picking up people, grabbing food, running errands with Sonny, or looking for equipment. The only thing that really got to me today was that the food was gone before everyone had a chance to eat. I thought three pizzas were enough, but I guess not. I tried to order more pizza around 11:40, but the pizza place wouldn't pick up their phone until 11:55, and when they did, they said they were closed already. We didn't end practice until 2:30, and I tried to to more editing at Kathleen's dorm, but just fell asleep. I drove home around 5, going a little fast on the 73 onramp, and I almost hit a car stopped just around the blind corner. There was another car that hit the curb, so the airbags were deployed and everything. I stopped and waited with them until the police arrived, and I made my way home, a little more cautiously. I can't say that I'm excited right now for the spirit rally, but once it's time, I'll have nothing less to stress about. The sun is almost up. I need sleep.


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