Tuesday, April 15, 2003

My brother actually came over for the first time in during my college years by himself. He's been driving for two years now, and he's visited his friends here at UCI without even calling me to say what's up. He always complains about how things are at home with our parents, but he never seems to want to fight it in the right way... our parents always tell me to help him with his math classes anyway. He might as well come over here to escape them... Funny though, he only came over to pick up a CD I burned from him, a program he needs for his ICS classes. I guess it's a start though. I let him know about some of my adventures, like when I bought him his Christmas present in San Francisco, but it was the wrong size so I couldn't really exchange it... it's sad that he hasn't gotten to experience things like that which make college such an exciting time, where you really get to stretch your imagination and change your view of the world. And eat pho at 4 am...

Sometimes you just have to sleep... which is why I didn't get the call for Reg's surprise berfday thing last night. I crashed around 9 I think on the couch and didn't wake up until about 4:30, sneezing myself awake. I guess falling asleep in my still slightly damp sweater didn't help my immune system recover from last week's craziness. I went back to bed at 5, and actually woke up before my alarm (again) at 7:30 or so. I could get used to this waking up thing... Of course, I managed to get to class late again, but it's all good. Back to class now...


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