Monday, April 28, 2003

What a weekend. I jump started my weekend (no, not really) by missing class, buying groceries, staying home and playing gran turismo. I started playing... I look up. 11 pm. Keep racing. Look up again. 12:15. A little tired now. Keep racing anyway. What's the time again? 1:30. But I'm almost done... one more race. 2:00. Damn, I have to stop eventually. 2:30. Homeless outreach was in 5 1/2 hours. So what time did I actually go to sleep? Sometime around 4. Miraculously wake up right at 7, take a shower, roll over to campus, happy to see that I wasn't the first one there at 8:10. Homeless outreach went great, with something like 55 people helping to pack. I actually got to do some mad lunch bag-packing, which I usually miss from oversleeping. Unfortunately, I couldn't go to LA to hand out the lunches because of PCN practice.

I was bummed, and for the first half hour, I was just waiting for senior suite run through to start so my forced absence from the homeless outreach wouldn't be in vain. I undid and redid and undid my lanyard to pass the time. Once we did our run though (which we managed to screw up in many wonderful ways), things started to loosen up and eventually it was lunchtime. I ate with Jenna, Joe, and Ryan at Pippin. I was pretty strange eating there again, after freshman year having my meal plan and everything. The server at the omlette station wouldn't let us get two plates, so we had to ditch our first plate somewhere and get back in line. Sometimes you just have to work around the system to make things work for you. After finishing my food... and Joe's omlette... and Ryan's eggs, we strolled back to the Cross, amazed at how much time disappears in the dining halls.

We got back and Alfredo ambushed us with his bow and arrow (watch the PCN commercials). Everything was chill and people were eating or just hanging around. Somewhere a volleyball appeared, so a bunch of us passed it around in a circle for practice. That NG foo got so into it she dove onto the pavement. Gerald got tackled by a pole running for the ball. When it was time for senior suite run through again, we managed to botch it up thoroughly in similar fashion to our first attempt. Go Seniors! A few more suites did their thing before the massive water fight, a PCN tradition. If I had known earlier... A couple of people were trigger happy, which kept stalling things, building all sorts of anxiety. I was in the right mind to save my shirt so I'd have a dry shirt to wear later. The first two minutes were fairly uneventful. Just a lot of spray, which I avoided... then the madness... the hose came out... alliances were broken... Uriel shot me... I nailed him hard with a balloon... I collide with Karl and almost fall down... stealing other peoples' balloons... I ripped a small balloon at Oliver but it didn't pop... Oliver screams in pain... I hit Josie point blank... Josie unloads her super soaker into my chest... damn, those super soakers are strong... I empty a bucket over Kristina's head... Wendy shoots me from behind... I nail her back... balloons fall from the sky (the upper level of gateway commons)... dry people are hosed down... man, it was great. I haven't seen so much mayhem in a long time. Since I was soaked, I agreed to be in PUSO's melon commercial, but the taste stuck in my mouth for a long while after that. Melon was in my hair, in my shirt, and it was burning my eyes! I started feeling all this pain in my sinuses, like I just woke up with a cold. After I threw on my other shirt I rolled home to shower and get the cantaloupe taste out of my mouth.

I called Fran to see what else was going on. Beach. CDM. Now. Alright... out the door again! I get there and I find out the parking isn't free anymore after 6... it's free after 8 now. I run down the driveway because it was going to be sunset soon and I didn't want to waste the daylight. I couldn't find anyone though, and my phone was being difficult, so it took 10 minutes to make 2 phone calls. I found Reg, Em, Nim, GNat, and Derrick building a castle. And a wall... with some kids that were there. I grabbed a shovel and assisted their wall-building efforts and we managed to make a decent size wall all around the castle before the water could screw things up. When the kids left they actually remembered my name, even though I didn't introduce myself or anything. I thought that was pretty cool of them. I didn't even get their names down. Fran and Sonny came, and by that time, the sun was almost down, but we refused to stop, so we "played" some volleyball and catch with the football Mom bought. When we couldn't see anymore, the girls lay on a sleeping bag and talked, keeping the guys from stand around. Derrick and Sonny wandered off, and pretty soon everyone went off in the dark, leaving Nim and me to freeze on the freaking sleeping bag. When everyone finally came back, they managed to stall (and sing songs off-key... hehe) before we went back to our cars. Why stall? Why not? Anyway, we picked up our cars from campus and rolled to Fran's apt for some Fusion Frenzy madness. Geeps met up with us there and the girls managed to fall asleep. That NG foo moaned hella loud while we were beating each other up. What (who) was she dreaming about? We playing Dead Or Alive 4 player tag team and picked the girls based on their looks. That strategy worked too. We ordered pizza and people crashed right after eating, so some of us played the finger game. Why? I dunno.

We woke up (myself, with a spider on my shirt) and then split up, to shower then meet at noon mass. Two guys had their first communion... which reminded me of baptisms... which reminded me of our Herbal (Spiritual) Essences commercial, so I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. Afterwards, Errol, Gerald, Alvin, Jacki, and I ate at Tenko's, even though there was a potluck (the standard Albertson's chicken and potato salad type of deal) after mass. We came back to Interfaith and watch the TWolves choke in the 4th quarter (booo...) then go on an Easter egg hunt. With real eggs. And yes, a week after Easter Sunday. Then, mafia. Geeps and I were mafia, but somehow we let the game slip away, but Em foiled our plans with her indecisiveness (motem... and Jason is on my left). I went to look at phones to replace my battered old phone after mafia, but stores were closing and I only checked a few out. I came home, only to find out our future living situation at our house is in jeopardy. They're raising the rent by $300 in July, plus they want us to sign a new lease. And we're loosing two roommates. So that means the rest of us have to find a new place, or find at least two new roommates and hope that we still qualify to live here. I'm going to be so sad if we have to leave here. Living in a house is so much easier and more convience than an apartment could ever be, especially with parking... and noise... and space... the list goes on. I don't think I can afford much more than $300 a month too. I can only hope...

I went to PCN practice at 9, where we polished some moves and actually did a error-free cha-cha sequence. Everything is coming together nicely, but I still don't know where in the formations I am because I've switched partners so many times. Oh well. I'm a little excited about this week, even though it is hell week, plus two midterms, but I know that by the same token, I'll have a lot of fun. I got back at 12, and now it's about time to sleep. I just with I could have this much fun during the week.

Peace out.


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