Saturday, November 27, 2004

More strange happenings:
- no relatives in sight (sad)
- no shopping the day after Thanksgiving (good)
- me. reading a book. 150 pages in less than 2 1/2 hours. All I have to do now is finish it.

Boredom can push you to some crazy things. It's a good thing I haven't been too bored recently. Well, until now. It feels like I'm digging a never-ending hole. Despite knowing what I can do beyond the walls of my house, I feel like I've become a prisoner of it. At least for a time.

Suddenly I have the urge to learn an instrument, start reading all sorts of books, and some other creative persuits. Maybe a little boredom can be a good thing. I did read that risk-takers tend to like spicier foods. I wonder where that puts me, seeing as I don't eat too many spicy foods simply because I can't taste much of anything when my mouth is burning. I do like doing some crazy things though.

Other than the boredom, I think I'm doing alright, though I wish I had a little more faith right now. I can't imagine life with any less of it.


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