Thursday, February 27, 2003

I feel like a failure. Damn it, let me explain.

Failure follows me around like a bad nickname. I really think I've failed this time. Failed to see what I've been letting happen to myself. It got really ugly for a while (not too long ago). Thank God for those little wake up calls though. I've been known to doze off in class and in the shower and what not... but usually not in the middle of everything. Walking around like a zombie while things fall apart around you doesn't make things any easier. That's how I failed, not seeing everything go to hell around me while I just moped around. I'm still a little depressed, but I think it was just a big funk of mine. It really helped talking to my friend Reg. I'm gonna really miss her once she graduates. It's funny, but my registration window's come and gone and I'm not even registered for one single class. There are other things more important that getting the classes I want. Life, for example. But you probably knew that. Something broke through to me today, or I cracked somehow. It's about time.

I'm going to sleep tonight feeling somewhat inspired. God's a funny muse.

I almost feel liberated.... (song of the moment - outkast & cee-lo - liberation)


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