Tuesday, April 29, 2003

how can i
what i feel
in my heart
when i know
that there might be something
something about her
when i'm trying hard
not to look for
what might not be there
so i won't admit it
and i won't say it
out loud
only in my head
almost as if i would like
to keep it there
and enjoy the way
things are
because there's no expectation
no waiting
for something to happen
just circumstance
maybe luck
and if our paths
might meet somewhere
well, that's up to Him
just trying not to overanalyze
or plant thoughts
in my head
over what's less in my control
than i choose to accept
so i walk
trying not to glance back
even though i trust
my feelings are sincere
but in that trust
the little i know
is that things must run their course
as i must do
and keep the stars
in my eyes
from blinding me
so i walk
and remind myself
to let go

i wonder though
if ever...
we'll walk together


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