Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The past several years in Liwanag have given me such a great wealth of spiritual and emotional nourishment. I was hungry and you fed me. Today I had the chance to serve, and I jumped on it. It's been a while. A long time. I don't remember the last time I was on the "other side," so to speak. It was truly humbling though. It's been a long time since we've had a meeting that's gone this deep. A few of us talked last night about it... well, it's more like they did the talking and I just listened. But I had a chance to speak my mind, not just myself, but knowing well enough how some things are better said for the good of everyone.

I found the hacky-sack thingee that Dee and Joyce hit a while ago cuz all the guys would kick that thing around like there was no tomorrow. It was our freaking source of entertainment and a workout rolled into one... and they forgot where they hid it. Good thing I found it. We got all sweaty playing after the meeting, and Marites stepped on my hand, but I was so into the game I didn't feel it. Crazy. Then the boys + NG and Jill chilled at Jack talking about farts. Mainly just farts. For a whole hour. Not surprisingly, it's a good way to control your appetite.

I really need to buy a camera soon. So much good stuff is slipping through my memory. It's not just a record of what happened, but how I see what happens around me. And to me. Sometimes writing doesn't do it justice. And since I can't really play any instruments (quite yet... hmmm), I gotta find a way to express myself. Damn my credit card payments! Geeps and Mel just bought some laptops, so now I'll be the only one in Madrona without one. Dang. It would be nice to have a laptop at work so I could ignore Scott without him yanking me out of the office so he can run around in the rain... in his boxers. Crazy kid. He certainly makes life interesting. I was telling Martin on Sunday night that working with kids all the time makes me feel like a parent. I feel good when they do their homework right, and try to offload them whenever I can, especially when they're annoying me. Maybe the most interesting part is seeing the potential in them, and wondering every time I see them how they're growing up. It's life in kid vision.

Oh Lord, thank You, for I am blessed. I wish it wasn't so awkward for me to say "I love you." BUt I'll try my best to show it in what I do. I wish I could trust people more fully. It's not as if I'm distrustful, but sometimes I rely too much on myself. I wish I had the balls to ask someone to Med Mission Gala. And hopefully they grow in soon, because I only have a few weeks left. I wish I acted more from my heart than from my mind. Why do I always trip up on the lines I draw in my head?

I'm still growing. Learning. Somewhere deep down, we're all children. Amen.


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