Wednesday, March 05, 2003

After sampling the vast college menu here and there for the last three odd years, I feel like loading up my plate now. My appetite is growing for all sort of things. I feel as if I'm not doing anything if I don't have at least a couple of things lining up during the week. There is still so much I want to do, but now I have to choose a little bit more carefully than before. I want to feel full, but not gorge myself on everything that looks appealing. Now is the time and the place. In this case, life is truly too short to watch too closely what you eat.

Even though I missed all three of my classes today, I felt like I had a full day. First PUSO's pizza party and mafia game (I can't trust Kristine anymore), then the UV concert, where a bunch of old friends came to watch, then Liwanag, then the ARC. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay for the whole UV concert because I wanted to go to Liwanag. It didn't help that they were on Filipino time either. I'm glad I did make it to Liwanag though, because they did a personal affirmation activity, which I think we haven't done in the longest. I told Francia I'd be early though, and I ended up being an hour and a half late. Sorry Fran! It was a good opportunity to say the things you usually save till goodbyes and random moments of bonding that are few and far between. Things that should be said more often. I wished I could have spoken to everyone, but I was late and the meeting ran way over. There was actually someone in particular (who shall go unnamed), because for some reason it always seems awkward trying to talk to this person, and I don't even know why. It's like we're still acquaintances, or well-acquainted acquaintances. I wanted to clear the air so to speak, just open things up. I dunno. Just think of that one person that you always see around, but you never really get to talk to, for whatever reason. Maybe it's just circumstance. **If you end up reading this and you know it's you, i dunno. Leave me a message. Or whatever.** It makes me feel like I can't hold a conversation with this person. That bugs me. Even enough to blog about it.

They say the whole should be greater than the sum of its parts. However, if even one part is broken or damaged, the whole suffers. In the forest, the death of the highest tree allows for new growth. Like ashes to ashes and dust to dust. Basta Ikaw. I pray that I really mean that.


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