Monday, March 03, 2003

I just spent the last hour trying to tweak this page ever so slightly. I doubt you'll notice. Anyway, leave me a message so I know my efforts haven't been in vain. Hehe... sounds so sad, doesn't it?

I've been very nostalgic lately. I guess I attribute it to the soon to end school year. Going home again kinda stirred some of those feelings up too. I went to mass at my old church and all the people I saw that I knew from high school and before are almost all grown up now. Even the young'ns are in high school now. It makes you really want to feel young and recapture that carefree feeling of youth. Ironically, I was never much of a carefree child. Maybe I'm trying to live out my childhood retroactively in my early adulthood. That might explain my toys and my playful nature. I'm thinking it might be good to approach things from a child-like perspective--colorblind, unbiased, and slightly less cautious. To have dreams again. To chase those dreams. Dream of liberation from a world of negativity and diseased thinking. Dream of elevating society to a new state of consciousness and togetherness. Dream of love. Dream of hope for something more. Dream.



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