Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Good Lord! The weather is awesome right now. I'm actually happy I woke up early, even with only 4 hours sleep, to go to class (and since I haven't been to class in a while, I actually ended up going an hour early and feeling kinda stupid) and just be outside. Being nocturnal as I am, I forgot what things looked like in sunlight. A cool crisp breeze and a warm (not hot) sun. It's basketball weather. Or football. Or tennis. I miss playing sports. If any of you ever want to play anything, I'm down. Almost anything... Just walking around today made me want to smile. I guess it's just one of those days. I woke up to my alarm after sleeping through three of them the past week and a half, watched our schizo cat run away from me like I'm going to skin it, then I relaxed in the shade and read the paper and caught up with some friends before class. If I wasn't such a night person, I'd be outside or something every beautiful day like this. But then again, every day is beautiful, in His eyes at least.

Now that it's Lent, I feel primed to really do some damage. In a good way, of course. I feel a greater sense of purpose to change than I have in a while. Temper my resolve, open my heart, cleanse my soul. Stop looking for excuses and start discovering truths. Be more sincere in everything I do. And along the way, eat a little less red meat (that's a given though).

As Father Pat might say, we're all in the University. Of life. UL. Time for some higher education. And don't fall asleep in class.


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