Wednesday, May 07, 2003

I awoke Tuesday morning to some of my roommates talking about the groceries, and how I haven't been to Albertsons yet (we have a grocery shopping rotation, and I went to Costco already, but not Albertsons yet). One complained that the whole grocery shopping deal was shot and it wasn't going to work anymore, and that nobody ever follows the shopping list. Funny, there wasn't a shopping list made when I went, even though I heard they were complaining about the lack of food. And all this negativity... no faith in one of the few things we've managed to work out for the past three years. It's aggravating, and I wanted to just get out of bed and tell them just to stop avoiding me and tell me what's up, but I just lay in bed until they left. Hmm... I don't know if this non-confrontational approach is working.

After class I got to use the free Subway sandwich punch card Maricris gave me. Thanks MC! I fell asleep in math discussion and left physics discussion early because there was no material to cover, so I went home itching to clean my room or something. What did I do? Read blogs... Some of my other roommates and I went later to grab some Lee's Sandwiches and then check out another apartment in Costa Mesa. I'm sort of dreading moving again, because of all the great things about this house, but maybe I need a new start.

Back to school for PUSO elections... I made my speech for treasurer, but Carl said he ran his own business before and used to be a bank teller... damn. I can't compete with that. I think I'd be better off in a different position anyway, like public relations or historian or something. I'd like to have more responsibility though, being a 5th year and all next year. I think Carl definitely deserved the treasurer spot. In Liwanag, we continued our bible study thing, talking about spiritual gifts. I had to leave early for our IM volleyball game, even though I felt really torn and wanted to stay for the affirmations. I saw my roommate leaving the ARC after his IM soccer game, and I convinced him to play with us. We played the Tau Theta Pi's and Zeta Phi Rho's... I knew one of the Taus from senior suite so I was really hyped to beat them. First game though, I kept on screwing up easy digs and spikes and we lost. I think I should have warmed up more. I sat out the second game so my roommate (Martin) and Gerald could play. When Martin served, somehow he rattled off 7 straight points or something like that and made some clutch plays. We won that second game, even though the other team started to creep back into it. Third game... man it felt close, because I was really going for ever shot and hitting the floor left and right, diving and digging, but they won 15-4. Boooooooo. I think we can beat Kaba though next week... we'll be more prepared.

I gave Melissa I ride so I was going to give her a ride back to Interfaith. I saw GP and Mel on the way to my car and they invited me to play racquetball with them. I dropped Melissa off and went up to say hi, and it turns out they were still doing affirmations, maybe two hours later. I felt compelled to stay. I wished I was there the whole time. I had my share of things to say. When people speak about the best of you, it's almost as if all the insecurities and frustrations you have about the decisions you make and the times you feel like nothing you do matters... your heart really opens up and the walls you put up melt away, if only for a moment. I was fighting it a little bit, trying not to get emotional or anything... if only they knew...

Back to racquetball after the meeting... I only had about 30 minutes to play, but I really felt good and I made some nice points. I wish I could play more often. After the ARC closed, I called Fran to drop off the pictures from spirit rally, and she said everyone was playing hide and seek in Aldrich Park. GP, Mel, and I walked though the park for 15 minutes looking for them, but no Loggers anywhere. We went back to Interfaith, only to find them chilling. They changed their minds. We sat and talked about poops stories and fart incidents and such... Monday night I used the bathroom at a movie theater. While I was peeing, I heard a sound above my head. It was the automatic air freshener. I looked up, because I was curious... and the stuff gets right in my eye. While I'm still peeing. Arghhhh! Normally stuff hits my glasses instead of my eye, but this stuff was sneaky. Luckily, it only stung for a minute. A couple more stories and I went home. Some of the others went to the doll house, but I needed sleep. Good night.


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