Tuesday, May 06, 2003

Do you remember the 21st night of September?
Love was changing the minds of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away

Our hearts were ringing
In the key that our souls were singing.
As we danced in the night,
Remember how the stars stole the night away

- Earth, Wind & Fire

That euphoric feeling still lingers in my head, more than 2 days after everything is finished. I didn't do much today cuz I slept so late (6) and woke up so late (1), so I went to school but didn't go to class because I was going to be 25 minutes late, so I ate lunch and returned the shirt my friend got me for senior suite. I wanted to wear it to class, but I wasn't feeling so random when I got to campus. Maybe the professor would have stopped lecturing for a while... that shirt could have stopped traffic. I grabbed a free ticket to the Jurassic 5 concert and then went home, expecting to work out, but played more Gran Turismo instead. Then I ate out and watched X2 with my roommates and a friend. I wasn't really in the mood, especially since I didn't thing the first one was that great, but despite the fact my eyes wanted to shut down and my bladder was full a few minutes into the movie, I really liked it. Though I was a little lost in the beginning, the plot is pretty complex, the acting a lot better, and the dialogue much more intelligent. There were a couple of lines that actually stuck out and brought it all together. The action was tight, of course. I was going to work out after the movie, but it ended late. I hate when you build up that anticipation and you just get stalled. My roommates talked about places to live for next year with me, and I wasn't really into it, but I have a good feeling about our future living situation.

Now I'm feeling this lull, delirious exhaustion. I think I just may be drained from the last week. PCN was probably the last "big" thing to happen this year, so it's like everything is coming to a point now. In a month and a half things will be changing so much... moving... graduation... work... I'm scared it might build up into separation anxiety and I'll be whacko for a while. I guess that means more action, less filler. But then again, that's what life should be all the time. Nobody deserves filler from anyone else. It's all about what's real. Real emotions, real experiences, real trials, real acheivements...

Take the time to be a little more real.


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