I finally took my first practice MCAT today. I think a good sign was that despite only 3 hours sleep, tired lungs, and hardly studying, it wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be. A few more practice exams and I'll be set, in a way. There's not much more information I can absorb, but at least I'll be able to test well. Not feeling like scoring right away, I wasted away the rest of the afternoon playing Warcraft with Martin. Damn that game. Before I knew it, it was past 10 and I had a headache.
I need to work on this little thing called punctuality. I made it on time for mass choir practice, but I started getting ready an hour and a half early. Where does all that time go? Singing for mass really felt good though. It's so awesome that I had the chance to be a part of it. Afterwards, nobody wanted to go to the fair to see the seven foot bull (so I heard). It was the last freaking night of the OC fair. Four years in Orange County and I still haven't gone. Three years living right next to it... Instead of the fair, we decided to go to Bon-Bon's (I mean Charlie's) party in Downey. There was a bunch of us, so we grabbed some quick Carl's Jr just in case there wasn't a lot of food left. Several non-driving jokes later, we made our way out. We had a nice freeway view of the Disneyland fireworks on the 5. It's been a while since I've been to Disneyland... almost two years I think. I have a once-a-year limit though, so I have to plan carefully.
Most of the people at the party were YFCer's from all over. Not all of us went to the YFC conference, so we were waiting to be introduced... and we waited... waited. We ended up crowding around the back door while Grace and her brother cooked oysters. I tried one, but it wasn't that good. It was just like a fat slimy mussell. Of course, I didn't add any salt or lime or tabasco because I was preoccupied with figuring out how to eat the stupid oyster. We moved inside, killed the cake frosting and tortilla chips, and kind of chilled there... Reg was busy trying to break things and the girls started to argue about who was the strongest girl in LOG. When we got home Fran was talking about alternative books or something. I think that was the que to peace out.
Another day, but still no car. Just the same hassle trying to explain to my mom what's going on. Martin gave me a ride to Lee's Sandwiches. I remember going to Lee's almost every week during spring quarter. It's been so long that I forgot exactly how to get there, so we called Lauren for directions and ended up at the 24 hour Lee's. Cheap food is great.
Later, I helped Shane and Martin move to Pine Creek down Adams. It only took us 2 hours with 3 people unloading and 1 watching the stuff. I unloaded most of the stuff from the truck which wasn't too bad, but hauling everything the 300 ft and up the stairs to their apartment was killer. Luckily, there was an abandoned shopping car which we commandeered, making everything a little bit easier. I even got a free gatorade out of it. I don't think I could have kept going without it. I got back to my place, and I was minus 2 roommates.
I rolled to the ARC later with Debbie. Not the best time for a workout considering I just wore myself out, but there were basketball courts open inside, so I ended up shooting around. I saw Reg, Leo, Ed, and Joe there. We actually got a 5 on 5 going with Leo and I. It looked a little hopeless for a while until we started making some shots. My man was giving me all sorts of room so I dropped 2 on him from downtown. I was kind of lazy on defense and played zone. By myself. Halfway through I was cherrypicking on defense. How lame is that? I started getting more aggressive after I hit my shots, so I chased down a guy on the breakaway and alomst stole the ball, but he slowed down and I ended up stepping the ball... losing my right shoe... landing on my right elbow and my knee... and taking out the guy who had the ball. It was cool though. They played a lot cleaner than most people I've played with. The guy was pretty cool about me knocking him over. Leo said he asked me if I was alright while I was still halfway in the air. I don't even think anyone was keeping score, but it was still really competitive. Good game.
Next year it turns out I'll be sleeping on the top bunk, for at least a few months. Damn. At least I got bottom bunk for two years already.
I finally took my first practice MCAT today. I think a good sign was that despite only 3 hours sleep, tired lungs, and hardly studying, it wasn't nearly as scary as I thought it would be. A few more practice exams and I'll be set, in a way. There's not much more information I can absorb, but at least I'll be able to test well. Not feeling like scoring right away, I wasted away the rest of the afternoon playing Warcraft with Martin. Damn that game. Before I knew it, it was past 10 and I had a headache.
I need to work on this little thing called punctuality. I made it on time for mass choir practice, but I started getting ready an hour and a half early. Where does all that time go? Singing for mass really felt good though. It's so awesome that I had the chance to be a part of it. Afterwards, nobody wanted to go to the fair to see the seven foot bull (so I heard). It was the last freaking night of the OC fair. Four years in Orange County and I still haven't gone. Three years living right next to it... Instead of the fair, we decided to go to Bon-Bon's (I mean Charlie's) party in Downey. There was a bunch of us, so we grabbed some quick Carl's Jr just in case there wasn't a lot of food left. Several non-driving jokes later, we made our way out. We had a nice freeway view of the Disneyland fireworks on the 5. It's been a while since I've been to Disneyland... almost two years I think. I have a once-a-year limit though, so I have to plan carefully.
Most of the people at the party were YFCer's from all over. Not all of us went to the YFC conference, so we were waiting to be introduced... and we waited... waited. We ended up crowding around the back door while Grace and her brother cooked oysters. I tried one, but it wasn't that good. It was just like a fat slimy mussell. Of course, I didn't add any salt or lime or tabasco because I was preoccupied with figuring out how to eat the stupid oyster. We moved inside, killed the cake frosting and tortilla chips, and kind of chilled there... Reg was busy trying to break things and the girls started to argue about who was the strongest girl in LOG. When we got home Fran was talking about alternative books or something. I think that was the que to peace out.
Another day, but still no car. Just the same hassle trying to explain to my mom what's going on. Martin gave me a ride to Lee's Sandwiches. I remember going to Lee's almost every week during spring quarter. It's been so long that I forgot exactly how to get there, so we called Lauren for directions and ended up at the 24 hour Lee's. Cheap food is great.
Later, I helped Shane and Martin move to Pine Creek down Adams. It only took us 2 hours with 3 people unloading and 1 watching the stuff. I unloaded most of the stuff from the truck which wasn't too bad, but hauling everything the 300 ft and up the stairs to their apartment was killer. Luckily, there was an abandoned shopping car which we commandeered, making everything a little bit easier. I even got a free gatorade out of it. I don't think I could have kept going without it. I got back to my place, and I was minus 2 roommates.
I rolled to the ARC later with Debbie. Not the best time for a workout considering I just wore myself out, but there were basketball courts open inside, so I ended up shooting around. I saw Reg, Leo, Ed, and Joe there. We actually got a 5 on 5 going with Leo and I. It looked a little hopeless for a while until we started making some shots. My man was giving me all sorts of room so I dropped 2 on him from downtown. I was kind of lazy on defense and played zone. By myself. Halfway through I was cherrypicking on defense. How lame is that? I started getting more aggressive after I hit my shots, so I chased down a guy on the breakaway and alomst stole the ball, but he slowed down and I ended up stepping the ball... losing my right shoe... landing on my right elbow and my knee... and taking out the guy who had the ball. It was cool though. They played a lot cleaner than most people I've played with. The guy was pretty cool about me knocking him over. Leo said he asked me if I was alright while I was still halfway in the air. I don't even think anyone was keeping score, but it was still really competitive. Good game.
Next year it turns out I'll be sleeping on the top bunk, for at least a few months. Damn. At least I got bottom bunk for two years already.
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