Friday, March 12, 2004

It's over. After the anticipation and anxiety, it's over. HSO 2004 P-ROC. And ya don't stop. Then the lack of sleep hit me hard. I had to turn around because I didn't think I'd make it to go eat at the Spectrum. I wasn't sure I could even sit at a red light without falling asleep. So I turned around and headed back towards my apartment. Somewhere on University maybe 1/2 mile from Culver I think I fell asleep and then I woke up when I scraped my wheel on the concrete island. I ended up swerving a little bit to the right, but that last mile to my apartment, I was wide awake. My left front rim on my car is all scratched up. Thank God it wasn't any worse. I took a long overdue hot shower and then passed out lying half on the futon, half on the floor. I'm about to pass out again now.

What an awesome experience.

Monday, March 08, 2004

I'm not sure
never sure
and I'm so far
from where I want to be

and even farther
from where
I need to be

If only I could
pick up
where I left off
but I can't find
my way

where am I now?