Thursday, November 06, 2008

the afterglow

I have a little faith restored in this democracy of ours. Unfortunately, there were plenty of asinine, ignorant, and outright racist and hateful remarks on facebook and other forums that blunted my enthusiasm for the moment. Really, America? Is this how pervasive your darker side is? If so, I can only choose to call you on it, and try to move forward, hoping to drag you along. Like it or not, we're in this together.

And after the ugliness subsides, it still blows my mind what we as a nation have just done.

Hope and prayers for our new leader, and for us all.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

yes, we can.

I left a piece of my on the court today. A little bit of my left elbow to be precise. Add to that a slightly bruised hip, sore left fingertips, and my reinjured right index. My pinky sprains aren't even 100% yet... more like 75%. I really should take a few weeks off to heal everything, but I love basketball too much.

I'm finna Barack the vote tomorrow. I know the word gets thrown around way too often when it comes to elections, but maybe we'll actually see a true mandate for change.

I was surprised to see that someone mowed the [very dead] grass back at home. I guess it's not so ridiculous now. (Now only slightly ridiculous)