Saturday, December 06, 2008

oh my tortured sole[s]

I've missed you, but it's really my fault I haven't given you any attention lately. I really want to make this work out, you and I. I know I didn't make the greatest effort today, but I lost a little bit of the energy I used to have. And though I feel beaten and bruised, I know it's worth it, because for a few moments today, I felt complete.

I love you, basketball.

My feet are hating on you though. Don't worry though. They'll get a little calloused after a while and then it'll be all good.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


I'm not doing that well yet with the moved-back-home thing. But I do have a few high points here and there.
- I can cheer for whoever plays against the Lakers without having to be worried about crushing some poor sap's fragile fanboy ego (oooooh ouch). Troy Murphy FTW! (wtf?)
- I think I'm almost halfway done with the bedroom excavation. I still have to figure out what to do with the stuff I haven't disposed of yet. Considering how lazy I've been though, it's a pretty decent accomplishment for not having thrown boxes of stuff away en masse.
- I made some human contact from inside these walls. Yes, it was limited to IMs and text messages, but one electronic conversation is better than zero of any kind.