Friday, May 05, 2006

When I was real young, the dark used to scare me. Getting lost would give me a nervous breakdown. Change was never that easy.

That is, until I got a little older, and the dark was no big deal, and getting lost became part of learning how to find yourself again. Change was always a constant, but not an obstacle anymore.

And now I'm close to being an independent adult in this world and while I've grown out of many things, I'm finding more things to be scared about.

I don't think it's a bad thing though.

don't get too comfortable

Thursday, May 04, 2006

i need more rest or something

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


i love you. even though we've been on breaks before, after last night it all came back.

hip hop, you're the best

Monday, May 01, 2006

I had a dream this morning.

Among other things, this girl I like tells me she doesn't like me, and that she plays for both teams.

I can't even get this right in my dreams.

Then there was a bike race through Paris that I competed in, and I was so upset I tried to climb the Eiffel Tower, but the rule was I had to be shot out of a cannon from the ground to get over the security wall.
chicago bulls win.
