Saturday, January 06, 2007

I spent Friday night cleaning my room. The heck?

This is one step in taking care of priorities. I'm taking care of things. I guess it's not too bad. There isn't a better time... than now.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

this is serious

I'm sick enough to skip work. I guess it's a minor detail then that I don't really work right now. The limited cash flow is starting to hurt too.

Why do I feel so powerless? It's only congestion!

I digress. I need a job. But of course, I much rather have some random job than a sure thing. That's how I work. I've gone from history/math tutor to host to to-go specialist to traffic director to valet to dishwasher to babysitter to driver to english tutor to mentor to equipment mover to photographer to a-v tech to personal assistant. The best thing about working so many random jobs is the experience. Eventually, I'll be stuck doing one thing for a very long time. I'm about to add EMT to that list. Hopefully doctor. But that's all so far ahead of myself right now.

I've already got a lot of work to do. Long term projects.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I'm tying up the loose ends. So far, it seems more like a losing battle. But not a lost cause.

Living in Irvine so long, you forget what it's like away from all the master planned communities and all that comes with them. You lose perspective. As nice as it all is, I'd rather not take it all for granted. I need some contrast.

this is going to work out somehow
throw away the vestiges

I'm cleaning out my closet today. Literally. Maybe figuratively too.

I had an interesting dream today. I was hanging out with an old friend and his girlfriend. When I was about to leave, he reminded me about some money I owed him and gave me a bill. There was about $100 in cash I borrowed, but included were several receipts for things I'd long forgotten about. The grand total was somewhere around $800. Then I woke up.

Well... you can't be too sure about much anymore.
Not everything comes new in the new year.

It's been a long hiatus and now I can feel the effects. I'm exhausted. Only 5 minutes of shooting around and I'm winded. What the heck?

don't give up on me yet

I'mma do this right.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Father, father, everybody thinks we're wrong
Oh, but who are they to judge us
Simply because our hair is long
Oh, you know we've got to find a way
To bring some understanding here today
- Marvin Gaye

Crash before 10, wake before 8. It still doesn't feel like morning though. When I left Pelican Bay yesterday at 4pm, that felt like morning. Time to move.

Monday, January 01, 2007

It's good to be back.

A little clarity please?

I made good on one resolution so far, albeit a short term and impromptu one: I killed my phone battery last night trying to reconnect. Maybe an hour plus of phone calls and 40 some texts did the trick. No easy trick, as I've only used 100 minutes in the last week and a half. As everyone at Pelican Bay rushed outside after the countdown and I sat there, having already tried to contact my family, I realized I never call anyone. So I called as many people as I could. As many people as I've neglected to keep in touch with for life, I tried to reverse the trend. So far so good.

So here's to the effort. 2006 was the hardest year of my life, but I don't intend on making 2007 easy. A little effort can go a long way, and with enough effort, regret tends to fade away.

It's sad to say, but yeah, I have a lion's share of regrets.

Funny how we base everything in this time-space concept, but I'm not so much going for new year's resolutions as life changes. I've already been ironing some things out in my life, and I've been spurred on in other areas but haven't acted yet.


As the dawn comes, so does the promise of new opportunity.

greetings, apologies, respect, regrets, blessings, peace, and love.