Saturday, June 12, 2004

I finished my second to last final today. Last lab, last class, and only one more final to go. Before I half-crashed at home I went to CSL to see if anyone was studyijng and bumped into Edgar, Dutchess, Jen, and Machaca. Quoted from loudness: "Maybe I'm louder than I thought..." Eventually I made it back to the apartment and sprouted another headache. I'm thinking I must have injured my head or something. I sort of slept it off before I went to go eat right before midnight at Yoshinoyas. They ran out of chicken... and veggies... and they only rung me up for a small beef bowl, but I asked for more and got the hookup. I love it. Free food!

So now begins that time of the year again. There are a lot of people who don't like finals week, but there are very few times you get to spend time with certain people. I feel like sleeping at school again, just like I did the past four years.

Friday, June 11, 2004

all those things that life brings

I leave in my wake one of the last finals I'll have as an undergrad at UCI. Funny thing is I did well enough to feel like I could go back and take it all on again... all the classes and all the struggles, all the tests and the challenges, and I would relish it, even when if I burned out or felt like stopping. I don't know. For sure, I could have done better. That road is behind me now though. I sat on a planter after I was done and took a trip... I remember staring at those trees after it rained. The wet brown bark with the bright almost iridescent leaves, filtering out the midday sun. I was brought back through all my years here. I walked through the halls in front of my next class, thinking I shouldn't have missed so many lectures, not because I could have gotten a better grade, but because I took that class because in a way I needed it. To learn about my history, my root, at the very least. Appreciation is a slow one. I feel like I'm going to be living all these memories for the last few days of this so called life. And what a life it's been.

Thursday, June 10, 2004


Wednesday, June 09, 2004

I'm a little worried... Another headache. Same spot. Left temple and above the left eye. To make things worse, I have a final in the morning. What's going on?
I clocked myself at 19 MPH. Actually, the portable radar detector on the street did. Considering I was in street clothes, didn't tie my shoes tight, bio notes in my left hand, cell phone in my right hand, haven't worked out more than 3 times in the last three weeks, haven't sprinted since 1998, and only had one meal all day, that's not too shabby. Still, I have the sudden urge to start a workout program... as soon as I get finals off my brain. Or maybe even for a finals break.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Thoughts and observations for June 8

- when you pull all-nighters, don't point your lamp at the ceiling or the wall. point it at your (*#%(*#% desk!

- my legs are still stiff from sunday when i played ball for 2 hours. i hope i'm not out of shape

- sleeping in is overrated

- it's mosquito season again

- lectures aren't so bad if you understand the material, which usually means reading the material beforehand

- late is definitely better than never

- if you buy a shirt that says "CLIT" in huge letters on the front, you just wasted your money (i wonder what that guy was thinking... when he bought it and when he chose to wear it today)

- you see more people when you go to class

- you can't go through life ignoring other people

- politics aren't limited to what's on C-SPAN. most people are more political than they think they are. they're just not aware. or cold-heartedly apathetic.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Sometimes I get the feeling something is calling me back. Then I turn around and I can't hear anything.
I have another headache. Something's not right. I remember I had a lot of headaches as a kid, but once I got to high school I almost never had any. Even in college, until the past few months. I feel like writing something unbelievably profound, but the pain in my left temple makes me want to just sleep it off. Things aren't so cut and dry now-a-days though. I wish I could hook up my brain to a computer and have it split out my thoughts in something resembling english. I'd have a field day with that. But as it as, writing is as much about how you turn thoughts into words as how you think. Talking is the same way. I wish I got to write as much as I think. Yet even more than that, I wish I could talk as much as I write. Right now, I could write for days. Damn this headache. I hope nothing's wrong in my head. Three headaches in 3 days.
I love sleeping. I hate oversleeping. I can't really separate the two all that well, which has its consequences. To make a long story short, I could have a)worked b)walked in AIDS walk or c) slept. I chose (c), despite the fact that I need the money and wanted to do the AIDS walk thing. Plus, I slept so much I missed noon mass, which screwed up my schedule for the afternoon. Oversleeping kills you motivation as well, which caused me to skip the Alyansa meeting and be late to mass. Then I missed half my escrima class. I played some bball afterwards. I started out feeling really lethargic (another side-effect of oversleeping), but snapped out of it after a while. I hit 4 straight 3-pointers at one point. Too bad I wasn't in a game or something. I played 21 with two other guys though, and ended up blocking 3 shots the first game. Maybe I'm getting to be a better defender. By the second game I was losing it and took a water break. Then a headache started in my left temple and pretty much sucked the rest my game out of me. I might have been dehydrated. I don't feel like reliving that experience again. I bought some excedrin (the headache was starting to get the best of me... I could hardly drive at that point), downed a lot of fluids, and recovered on the couch. The roommates plus Frank and Marites came back and everyone kind of vegged for a while. Yikes. It's 3:35. I can't do this tomorrow.