Saturday, August 06, 2005

It's healthy to break things sometimes. Especially if it's silence.

Chalk it up. 6 out of 7 days at the beach. Counting tomorrow, it'll be 7 out of 8 days. I'm still not as dark as I thought I would be by now.

I got to thinking...

Friday, August 05, 2005

Son of a beach. Newport that is. That makes it 5 out of 6 days this week at the beach. A grand total of 6 trips to the beach. Two times in a pool. Tomorrow will be no different. We weren't made to sit indoors all day to work. We've got to work towards something. And sometimes, we've just got to stop and enjoy it while it's still here.

HBO on Demand is a crazy thing. Def Poetry Jam any time of the night. And in this case, any time at night.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Why wasn't I having this much fun last year? I still couldn't get myself out of the apartment before 11am, but got to spend some time at the ARC and the beach between work. I'm really appreciating the weeklong break I got from babysitting. After so much work, you have to reset for a little bit. It was a little strange seeing so many people at the beach at 3pm, but I realized there's always time to work. At Aprils' BBQ, I had the best burger I've had in a long time. It makes me want to have a BBQ every week. Maybe more. Throw a pool into the mix, and it's game over. I just need to watch my aim...

Sometimes you just want to ditch the subtleties...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Well, no beach today. But beach tomorrow sounds good. It was actually beautiful weather today. I don't know what the heck I was doing indoors. That was pretty stupid of me. Warm weather permiting, it's Newport tomorrow.

It's about time I started letting it out.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Three beaches yesterday, one beach today. This is finally feeling like summer, besides the heat of course. It's a strange thing not working when I've been doing 30-40 hours a week the past 5 weeks. I just wish I was paid like I usually am. The whole work situation is changing pretty soon. The Sunday gig is going end soon, and I don't know how long J1's mom will keep me on after she starts school. I've got to start looking up the EMT route. For now though, I'll work on my tan. While I sleep. At the beach.

You find allies in unexpected places sometimes.

There's a whole lot of day to fill tomorrow.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Welcome to Fitness World! Welcome to America!

I can't believe I actually did that. Why me?

Today was great, even though I left the Shank early to wake up early for work, and they ended up cancelling on me after I was already awake. Figuring I needed to get used to waking up early, I took a long walk. Then I helped Leo move the rest of his stuff out, worked out with Chris, then headed to Laguna Beach with Jona, Melissa, Kristine, and her sister. The weird Euro-Brazilian cameramen and their documentary gave us something to remember though. Then we had dinner at Tacos Locos (which was great) and then I chilled with Jona and Melissa at their place watching Friends. In all the randomness, I forgot my keys in Kristine's car and had to have her drive them back to Tustin from Orange. Jacki and Kristine swung by to drop off my keys and it made me realize how little time I've spent with most of my friends this summer. There's still a good month plus though. I came back to Madrona and saw all the lights were off around 12:30 am, so I figured everyone was sleeping already for work tomorrow, but it wasn't the case. Mel's car's impersonator tricked me, and GP's car wasn't there, but Joyce's was. I walked into Madrona and nobody was home! Gp came back a few minutes later, and then Adrian. And then Mel. And we talked about random stuff.

I think that's something I could do a lot of right now. Have a lot of random talks with people. Random people. Everybody.