I missed a class again, but made it in time for the noon Good Friday service. It was good to see so many people come out, even just to show you people still have faith. After my last class, I went to Subway to grab a veggie sandwich, but one of the workers told me they were closed, but he seemed a little angry or something, nowhere close to sympathetic or anything. I went to Costco to grab some stuff for the house and there were all sorts of samples around, making the fasting thing all the more hard. People were kind of rude there too, not letting other people get by and just random discourteousness. I had to keep telling myself not to let them rub off on me. On the drive there, I had some issues with some over aggressive drivers. There seemed to be a lot more whack drivers to piss me off today, even though it's Holy Week. I think yesterday I got honked at twice just for letting someone go ahead. On top of that, the drivers at the ARC always seem to be in the biggest hurry. What the heck are they cutting off pedestrians for? How much time do they save by not stopping for the people walking through the parking lot? Some drivers really aggravate me sometimes. Especially when they just make driving a hassle... and they speed up just enough so you can't change lanes, even though they should already be braking for a stop light or something. Whatever. I looked for the Subway on Harbor and almost missed it, but I just made the right turn. I got out of my car only to find out that they were doing some kind of construction or something and everything was being renovated. I was hungry and confused, so I drove on and realized that there was another Subway (the one I usually go to) just a block away. A Subway on every streetcorner? I was in the wrong lane though and there was hella traffic, so I went right through a parking lot and turned onto the cross-street. I could have made a U-turn, but I think my hunger was clouding my judgement, so I turned left and made a U-turn (more traffic) and then finally arrived. It was weird too because I saw this girl from my gospel choir class a long time ago who I used to think about sometimes, but I never see anyone from UCI in Costa Mesa unless they're working. I wondered why I liked her before... maybe I just liked her style. I guess first impressions do make a huge difference sometimes... which isn't good for me because I don't think I make very good first impressions on people. To most strangers I'm just the quiet one...
I went to the 6:30 service and afterwards went to Days stations at Dorothy's house. Even though it was cold and my nose was dripping a little, it was good to be in the company of those Dayzers. We had some soup afterwards, but I couldn't eat it right away because it was so hot. Nobody else seemed to have a problem though, except Mom complained that she burnt her tongue later. All I wanted first was something cold to drink. I have this aversion or something towards food that's too hot. I don't even like washing the dishes in hot water. I want to keep all the sensation in my hands... We went home afterwards and I crashed on the couch, so now it's 6 am and I'm blogging. Wayzgoose prep starts in one hour. Time for a nap.
I went to the 6:30 service and afterwards went to Days stations at Dorothy's house. Even though it was cold and my nose was dripping a little, it was good to be in the company of those Dayzers. We had some soup afterwards, but I couldn't eat it right away because it was so hot. Nobody else seemed to have a problem though, except Mom complained that she burnt her tongue later. All I wanted first was something cold to drink. I have this aversion or something towards food that's too hot. I don't even like washing the dishes in hot water. I want to keep all the sensation in my hands... We went home afterwards and I crashed on the couch, so now it's 6 am and I'm blogging. Wayzgoose prep starts in one hour. Time for a nap.