Friday, February 25, 2005


519 items found for chicago (cubs,bears,bulls,"white sox") (hat,cap,"7 3/4")
I have no idea.

In the midst of the talking (read: arguing) about my future educational exploits, I ended up laying it down, plain and simple.

Post Bac. 1 year. UC Irvine. MCAT. Osteopathic Medicine. 4 years.
Not nursing.
Not PA school.
Not pharmacy school.
Not physical therapy, not med tech, not teaching.
At least not now.

Why is it now that things aren't so cut and dry do my parents not support medical school?

Nothing is too far out of the question to take a shot at. That's what I intend to do.

Right before getting into the nitty gritty of our "talk," my mom mentions her old classmate's daughter who went to UCI, decided to drop microbiology and take up nursing at Santa Ana Community College. So all I could think of was the girl with the black Integra Type R... with the Santa Ana Community College parking permit... who brought her microbiology book to study at the library one fall Saturday. No freaking way. It it was her, then it would be no mere coincidence. Actually, it would be, but it's kind of nice thinking in that way. Thinking about it did take some of the frustration of "the talk" away. I couldn't fight my curiosity any longer, so a quick search on friendster gave a mismatch. Turns out she works at In and Out. Crazy. Damn what if's. I wonder if I'll see that car again...

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

let it loose

i'm a little impatient right now
but I have to do this
damn the punctuation and capitalization
this is free form

i've been thinking
yea thinking
but i haven't been doing much
that's what i should be getting to
from thinking to doing
the state of my room reflects that
this mess deepens my paralysis
i think i'm over it though
and i could wipe it all away right now
but this is more than scattered bills and magazines
receipts and random articles of clothing
this is the future
the future i don't understand
why do i get so caught up in it
could it be i'm tripping over what's right in front of me
that's a great big question mark
relationships are fickle creatures
dreams are almost as misleading as insightful
i've got to make room
for something greater
in my life
so when i hear that knock
i can welcome it in

whatever it is

Sunday, February 20, 2005

This was definitely one action packed Saturday. Little did I know how expensive it would be however. In eight hours, it's back to work as usual.