Saturday, July 28, 2007

three random dreams this morning

One. Two girls swung by my place to visit while I was doing some work. I knew both of them. One of them was a little tired, so after checking out my work for a few minutes, asked if she could lie down. I asked if she needed anything else and she asked for a beer and a pillow.

Two. I had a terrarium with four little ant-like creatures, except they only had four legs each, and they had large colored heads (two red and two blue) that looked like miniature cattle skulls. I left for a while and came back. My friend told me one of them got out. I freaked out and looked around, and I saw something moving in the corner of the room. I picked it up and realized it cracked it's head, so I looked around some more and found the piece of it's head. I tried to fit the piece of it's head back on, but it seemed like it didn't want it.

Three. I don't remember much from this one, but 50 cent made a guest appearance.

Friday, July 27, 2007


It's so frustrating dealing with ignorance. When certain truths are blindly rejected, disinterest turns to disgust, and walls rise faster than you can hope to climb over them. Walls big enough to cast a shadow on everything around.

But as they say, maybe they'll fall a little bit harder.

There's so much deception out there. Not enough perspective. And the consequences are scary. The world is a crazy place to live. It's getting smaller all the time--and yet there are some who are content to dismiss the significance of their actions.

How many times can you hit the snooze button before it breaks?