Saturday, October 06, 2007


Four games of Mafia, four different roles, two lives saved, one comeback, and four wins. Finally, it's fun again.

Friday, October 05, 2007

close your mind
close your eyes
see with your heart

Things are broken. The legal system is broken. Money buys out justice. And there are still many foolish enough not to care.

Don't dilute my dreams with nightmares.

This life leaves me weary, but never weary enough to stop reaching.

I feel a little inside-out.

I realized today that:
Three is not a good number for me.
I don't suffer from indecision, but from inaction.
I'm not the only one who notices a generational difference... maybe not a full generation, but a mini-generation.
It's hard to warm up to something that only runs hot and cold.
Some people know the right questions to ask.
Language is truly an art.
Chipotle is a really poppin place.
Procrastination is an expensive habit.

sometimes you have to leave them guessing

Thursday, October 04, 2007

aww damn

You made me think.

Let's do this.