I'm out of school for the moment, but there's always time for learning.
Today I learned:
My mom's favorite basketball player of the moment is Manu Ginobli (Geeno-bee-lee)
I moved from Chicago when I was 4 months old, by plane, not car as I previously thought
My mom's coworker (she told me her name, and then affectionately and matter-of-factly tacked on "a black girl") back in Chicago drove a Hyundai
The real estate market is getting plain ridiculous
I think I'm starting to learn how to talk--to converse--with my mom. My dad seemed a lot more jovial on the phone today too. And for the second late night, I'm helping my bro study physics for his final. If my sisters were home a little more often, this would be the realization of this
family. I don't think I saw this coming.
After so many years of dealing with debt and trying to afford a "lifestyle," I think I'm starting to grow out of my materialistic phases. I was never one for a big phatty house, but cars don't excite me like they used to, and electronics change and evolve too quickly to justify dropping hundreds of dollars on them. My cell phone contract recently expired, but I really don't want a crazy do-everything phone anymore. I haven't changed the pictures on my phone in almost a year... the ringtones in a year and a half. I've held off buying shoes for a few months even though I've got a hole in the sole of my left shoe. I'm even getting tired of buying premade food. I'd rather save some money and try some recipes, but that assumes I find the motivation to cook. Maybe one of few things I would splurge on now is camera equipment, but I'm waiting. For what? I don't know. But it's less expensive this way.