It's a dark, dark day in America.
When someone can lie, cheat, and steal, and terrorize, and then be reelected president of America, I find myself very, very apprehensive about the direction of this nation.
Forget the fact he needed the Supreme Court to step in 4 years ago and stop the recount in Florida which would have cost him the presidency.
Forget his numerous votes and actions contrary to the interests of children, students, workers, the elderly, and minorities, they very people for which the government can do so much good. Not to mention the laissez faire attitude taken which coporate greed (the Enron scandal) and his wanton disregard for the environment (the dismissal of the Kyoto Protocol, already in the final negotiation stages).
Forget how he deliberately "misled" us into Iraq without a single shred of solid evidence concerning weapons of mass destruction or a link to Al Queda.
Forget how he touts his Christian faith yet is one of the single greatest proponents of the death penalty. He has executed the more prisoners than any modern governor. He is the first president to execute a federal prisoner in 40 years. I can't even fathom the destruction of lives that has occurred in Iraq.
Forget that for all his claims of being a strong decisive leader, he spent seven whole minutes reading
My Pet Goat after learning of the World Trade Center attacks before he even stood up and excused himself.
Forget that by August of 2003, he had spent more than one quarter of his presidency
on vacation, the most by any president in history.
Forget that his tax provided $100 or less in relief to 53% of all American taxpayers.
Forget that the Patriot Act which he so eagerly signed nearly negates the need for probable cause in cases of detainment or searches, a huge blow to personal rights.
Forget that he turned one of the biggest buget surpluses in a long time into one of the biggest budget deficits in recent history.
Forget that he refused to allow an independent commission to examine the White House's handling of 9/11, and then censored the report which it published after they were finally granted permission.
Forget that Halliburton, one of Dick Cheney's business ties, has been awarded several multimillion dollar
uncontested contracts for the rebuilding of Iraq.
Forget that the administration has pumped millions of dollars into "new terrorism," instilling Americans with fear from through the media, press conferences, terror alerts, and propaganda about Iraq and its ties to 9/11.
It's a dark, dark day. Somehow I fail to see the morality on which this man stands, the morality on which so many millions of voters staked their choice in leadership. I fear for America, I fear for the world.