Friday, September 05, 2003

I've been losing track of time lately. Yesterday I would have completely missed a board meeting for PUSO if I hadn't thought I missed a differnt meeting for HSO planning (which incidentally is next week, not this week). All I've been doing the past few days really is sleeping, eating, thinking about getting a job, watching tv, working out, going online, and sleeping some more. Over the weekend we helped Dufranny, Shelby, Odie, and Nam more out of 25A, which was a nice change of the same old. I've been working a lot on the PUSO logo. I think I've put in something close to 15 hours total, but that's partly because I still learning how to use the program I'm using, and also because I'm a damn perfectionist.

I've alos noticed that I've been eating out way too much, even though I barely have 10 bucks in my checking account. In the past three weeks, I've had enough Mexican food and fast food to put on a good five pounds. Go metabolism go.

There's almost a full three weeks left of summer break and I'm just coasting. I think I should live it up a little. I just remembered how much I love driving as I drove at night. I don't get to do much driving now that I live in Irvine, but it's not like I did much driving before anyway. It's 4 minutes to school compared to 8 minutes, but I think those 2 or 3 minutes on the freeway was so relaxing. Once I hit the 73, it was like an open road, just squeeze between the cars, get in the fast lane, and go...

Here I go...

Tuesday, September 02, 2003

You can't live without some kind of balance in life, but I've started to think that I'm constantly fighting something. Of all the ways I could have chosen, I chose this way. Not that I regret doing so, because more often than not I'm up for the challenge. There's just less time to rest...

...but now I think I rested my way to equilibrium. When your body reaches equilibrium, you're dead.

I've got to do something.